Value |
Category |
302 |
Klay |
304 |
Suehn Mecca |
306 |
Senjeh |
308 |
Dowein |
602 |
Fuamah |
604 |
Jorquelleh |
606 |
Yeallequelleh |
608 |
Panta |
610 |
Salala |
612 |
Sanoyeah |
614 |
Suakoko |
616 |
Zota |
618 |
Kokoyah |
620 |
Tukpahbllee |
622 |
Boinsen |
624 |
Kpaai |
902 |
Owensgove |
904 |
District # 1 |
906 |
District # 2 |
908 |
St. John River City |
910 |
Neekreen |
912 |
Commonwealth |
914 |
District # 3 |
916 |
District # 4 |
1202 |
Garwula |
1204 |
Golakonneh |
1206 |
Porkpa |
1208 |
Commonwealth |
1210 |
Tewor |
1502 |
Gbao |
1504 |
Gboe-Ploe |
1506 |
Konobo |
1508 |
Tchien |
1510 |
Glio-Twarbo |
1512 |
Putu |
1514 |
B'hai |
1516 |
Cavala |
1802 |
Lower Jloh |
1804 |
Upper Jloh |
1806 |
Fenetoe |
1808 |
Bolloh |
1810 |
Dorbor |
1812 |
Forpoh |
1814 |
Wlogba |
1816 |
Dweh |
1818 |
Kpi |
1820 |
Gee |
1822 |
Buah |
1824 |
Nrokwia- Wesidow |
1826 |
Felo-Jekwi |
1828 |
Barclayville |
1830 |
Grand Cess Wedabo |
1832 |
Bleebo |
1834 |
Trenbo |
1836 |
Garraway |
2102 |
Foya |
2104 |
Kolahun |
2106 |
Salayea |
2108 |
Vahun |
2110 |
Voinjama |
2112 |
Zorzor |
2114 |
Quardu Bondi |
2402 |
Firestone |
2404 |
Gibi |
2406 |
Kakata |
2408 |
Mambah Kaba |
2702 |
Whojah |
2704 |
Gwelekpoken |
2706 |
Nyorken |
2708 |
Karluway #1 |
2710 |
Karluway #2 |
2712 |
Pleebo/Sodoken |
2714 |
Harper |
3002 |
Careysburg |
3004 |
Greater Monrovia |
3006 |
St. Paul River |
3008 |
Todee |
3010 |
Commonwealth |
3302 |
Sanniqquellie Mahn |
3304 |
Yarpea Mahn |
3306 |
Yarmein |
3308 |
Gbehlay- Geh |
3310 |
Twan River |
3312 |
Garr Bain |
3314 |
Doe |
3316 |
Gbi & Doru |
3318 |
Kparblee |
3320 |
Boe & Quilla |
3322 |
Gbor |
3324 |
Zoe-Gbao |
3326 |
Yarwein Mehnsonnoh |
3328 |
Meinpea-Mahn |
3330 |
Leewehpea-Mahn |
3332 |
Wee-Gbehy-Mahn |
3334 |
Buu-Yao |
3602 |
Doedain |
3604 |
Fen River |
3606 |
Norwein |
3608 |
Central RiverCess |
3610 |
Beawor |
3612 |
Sam Gbalor |
3614 |
Jo River |
3616 |
Zartlahn |
3902 |
Greenville |
3904 |
Butaw |
3906 |
Sanquin District #2 |
3908 |
Sanquin District # 3 |
3910 |
Sanquin District # 1 |
3912 |
Kulu Shaw Boe |
3914 |
Plahn Nyarn |
3916 |
Juarzon |
3918 |
Wedjah |
3920 |
Seekon |
3922 |
Pynes Town |
3924 |
Jeadepo |
3926 |
Jaedae |
3928 |
Bodae |
3930 |
Bokon |
3932 |
Dugbe River |
3934 |
Kpayan |
4202 |
Chedepo |
4204 |
Karforh |
4206 |
Nanee |
4208 |
Gbeapo |
4210 |
Nyenawliken |
4212 |
Potupo |
4214 |
glaro |
4216 |
Sarbo |
4218 |
Tuobo |
4220 |
Nyenebo |
4502 |
Koninga |
4504 |
Belleh |
4506 |
Bokomu |
4508 |
Bopolu |
4510 |
Gbarma |
4512 |
Gounwolaila |
9914 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.